Going green is made easy with the K-12 Online registration process.
One of the foremost concerns of this era is conservation. With issues in the media such as deforestation, overpopulation, greenhouse gas effect, global warming, etc., schools have been increasingly trying to educate the next generation about environmental conservation. Most schools have already started going green with integrated recycling systems: separating bins for plastic waste, metal waste, electronic waste, and paper. Using web-based technology school administrators can teach students by setting an example. But going green for schools can be very easy, starting with enrollment and registration.
Step 1. Eliminate unnecessary forms.
Traditional method: In order to cater to the different needs of each student and their family during enrollment and registration, schools include all possible information flyers and reports as well as forms in multiple languages within a bulky registration packet.
“It takes one 15-year old tree to produce half a box of paper.???
Eco-Friendly method: With web forms only can parents and guardians can access all pertinent forms, flyers, and reports via the web, they can also choose to read these in their native language by choosing from the multiple language options with online registration and enrollment.
Step 2. Eliminate unnecessary paper-based processes.
Traditional method: School office administrators make multiple copies of reports for teachers and multiple copies of documents to update student files. Additionally, as a student is in the enrollment process, copies of important documents must be made as a record for the school and or district.
“10,000 sheets of paper per year are used by a single US office worker???
Eco-friendly method: K-12 Online integrates and updates student information. Student information is sorted automatically and information can be accessed online during registration and after. Also, parents, guardians, and administrators have a document scanning option: they are able to scan and upload relevant documents into the student records.
Step 3. One paper, one student.
Traditional method: Millions of students per year return to school with bulky registration packets and/or multiple printed forms.
“17 million trees per year are cut down to supply fax paper (alone) for the US …???
Eco-Friendly method: Students return to school with a single, signed acknowledgement document.
“Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth’s land surface; now they cover a mere 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years.???
Before switching to the K-12 Online student registration process, one district’s 17 page student handbook sent to all the students consumed 60 trees!
“One tree can filter up to 60 pounds of pollutants from the air each year???
Begin your school year saving valuable resources. Set an example to your students by going green and choose an online registration system that saves money, time and RESOURCES. Take the Free School Savings assessment to see how resources you can save by using a school management software that enables a paperless student registration system.