1. Your book report list…includes a selection of e-books. amazon.com
2. Your students work on collaborative projects…with students in Australia. epals.com
3. You give weekly class updates and homework clues…via your blog.
4. You prepare substitutes with detailed directions…via Podcasts. YouTube
5. You use a paperless, online system… for registration and enrollment. k12online
6. You stream live webcams in the classroom… for a first-hand look at places, nature, and animals. Earthcam.com
7. You realize the importance of professional development…and read blogs, join online communities, and tweet for self-development.
8. Your students share stories of their summer vacation…through an online photo repository. Shutterfly
9. You teach your students not to be bullies…or cyberbullies. stopbullying.gov
10. You have your morning coffee…while checking your RSS feed.
11. You take your students on a field trip to the Great Wall of China…and never leave your classroom. trip list
12. Students are involved in global classroom projects…focused on the environment. Global Classrooms
13. You are remodeling… to create environmentally friendly, energy efficient, “green??? schools.
14. To help with tight classroom budgets…you utilize many of the free resources available on the web. free.ed.gov, discoveryeducation.com
15. You require your students to conduct an interview…via Skype or FaceTime.
16. You are a part of the 21st century education…paradigm shift!
17. Your curriculum is project-based…rather than textbook-driven. project based learning
18. Students are required to submit a research report… on video.
19. You share lesson plans with other teachers…from around the globe. teachingthatsticks
20. When working on a research project…textbooks are not the first source of reference.
21. Your response to people who say…It’s impossible, do you really think you can reform education? “I think I could, if I only knew how to begin. For, you see, so many out-of-the-way things had happened lately that Alice had begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible.??? –Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Every great achievement was once impossible until someone set a goal to make it a reality.